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Tips on Dentist Reputation Management

Tips on Dentist Reputation Management

Dentist reputation management is necessary for all dentists. A good reputation will increase the number of the new patients, and potential earnings for a dental practice. Dentist reputation management will ensure that your good name remains protected from false accusations.

dentist reputation managementSome dentists think that they do not need to engage in their dental reputation management until their reputation has been attacked by a patient. This is simply not the case. A professional person should be managing their reputation at all times so that they never suffer any loss of revenue from it.

There are some patients who are overly dramatic about everything in their lives. They will take a small pain and when they are through telling the story of the pain you would think they were at death’s door.

These overly dramatic patients like to tell everyone that will listen to their story, and with each telling of the story their suffering becomes more intense. In other words, these patients take a mole hill and they turn it into a mountain. These people can ruin the reputation of a good dentist by spreading half-truths.

A dentist should have an online presence, and use social media to help them maintain contact with large amounts of people. Letting people be able to see you as a person, and be able to have contact with you makes you seem more human, and it often stops dramatic rumors before they ever get a chance to spread. The best way to counteract bad reviews is with good reviews from people who pleased with your services.

Have a website that allows your patients to leave reviews about their experiences in your office. If a patient does leave a negative review be quick to respond to them and see if there is something you can do to change their opinion about you or the service they received.

Respond to these individuals privately and not on social media sites. When you satisfy or correct the problem they have they will generally return to the website and leave a review reflecting the fact that you listened to them and did everything in your power to help them.

Do things in the community like support the local sporting teams, or fundraising events. Your presence in these events will be noticed, and if you have a positive presence in the community you are less likely to get a bad reputation. People need to see that you are a part of the community, that you care about what is happening around you, and that you try to help when you can.

Offer free examinations, or free educational courses to local groups. This will get you seen by more people as a giving and caring individual. If you seem aloof the public will be quicker to judge you.

When someone is blasting your reputation try to remain calm and do not comment in public on the accusations. You want to remain professional and not come across as vengeful.